Athletic Trainer
Brooke Rey, is Battle Mountain High Schools’ certified athletic trainer. She has been at BMHS for 7 years and operates an athlete care facility in the athletic hallway of the school. Her goals are to oversee the health, welfare and safety of all student athletes and to help them stay playing the sports that they love as much and as long as possible. She is an employee of Vail Health and works in close collaboration with The Steadman Clinic and Steadman Philippon Research Institute as well as with Howard Head Sports Medicine. As an allied healthcare professional, she maintains relationships with many Eagle County medical specialists and believes in working as a healthcare team for the best interest of the patient. She is an excellent resource for orthopedic knowledge and expedited medical care.
The presentation linked below, outlines Brooke's role as an athletic trainer and includes information on who your BMHS sports medicine team is, what an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) is, general sports medicine procedures, general athletic training room procedures and more in depth information regarding concussion signs and symptoms and proper management.
BATTLE MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS MEDICINE Brooke Rey MSAT, LAT, ATC Vail Health – Howard Head Sports Medicine The Steadman Clinic
ImPACT baseline neurocognitive testing is done on an as requested basis only. Please email me if you would like your student athlete to receive a link to take a baseline test at home. The test platform has been validated and has a large enough database that we can administer a post concussion test and simply compare to normative values and use those test results to accompany therapy efforts. It is important to note that the ImPACT test is simply one tool that we can use to supplement other assessment measures when evaluating for a concussion. Please see the Return to Learn and Return to Play protocols that ECSD student athletes must follow when they sustain a concussion. This is supported by and based on the Colorado state legislation and most recent international consensus statement on concussions, both linked below. When your student athlete does sustain a concussion, please ensure that any subsequent documentation from treating providers is brought to the athletic trainer so that she can complete medical records and proceed with the Return to Play process as appropriate.
Jake Snakenberg Youth Concussion Act
Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 6th International Conference on Concussion in Sport– Amsterdam, October 2022
Brooke Rey, MSAT, ATC
Athletic Trainer/ Sports Phys. Teacher
Battle Mountain High School
Vail Health- The Steadman Clinic
Office: 970-569-5349
Cell: 970-306-9863
Jake Snakenberg Youth Concussion Act
Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 6th International Conference on Concussion in Sport– Amsterdam, October 2022
Brooke Rey, MSAT, ATC
Athletic Trainer/ Sports Phys. Teacher
Battle Mountain High School
Vail Health- The Steadman Clinic
Office: 970-569-5349
Cell: 970-306-9863