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Library Media Center

Eagle County School District students and staff members have access to a variety of audiobooks, eBooks, and more through our Library Media Center using their e# (employee number) or s# (student number) and associated password.

Eagle County School District partners with Eagle Valley Library District (EVLD) and the Vail Public Library (VPL) to provide every ECSD student free access to information and educational resources at the public libraries by using their Student IDs. Students use their ECSD district sNumber to log in to these library systems. Learn more about the One Card program.

Pat Casey


Library Hours 8:00am- 3:45pm (closed during advisory)


Reasons To Visit The Library:

Borrow a chrome book or charger
Check out a book 
Print a document
Quiet space to work (with teacher permission)

Additional Library Resources

  • Britannica Digital Learning. The Britannica collection of resources provides professional development webinars, multimedia content to include in lesson plans, plus thousands of videos and images for Science, Technology, Animals, Sports, and Social Studies!

  • Mackin. Students should use their s# username and password to access eBooks and databases.

  • Cavendish Square Digital. This database provides a collection of resources across a variety of content areas, including Geography, History, Humanities, and Science for grades 6-12.