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Find out about the upcomping college visits, scholorship information, dual enrollment and the military as a career HERE

Our vision is to prepare all Battle Mountain High School students to be global-ready graduates,
who will be successful in their careers or college experience and contribute to their communities
in positive and effective ways.
Counseling Mission Statement
Battle Mountain counselors advocate for and empower all students, regardless of background 
or individual circumstances, to succeed in high school and plan for their postsecondary goals
and become global ready citizens. We help students develop and meet their academic and
career goals while fostering healthy relationships and social emotional growth.

Through collaboration with other educators and stakeholders, counselors encourage self
advocacy and promote life-long learners. Our professional counselors utilize data driven,
research based and innovative ways to serve all students, helping them maximize academic
and vocational achievement. counselors are certified/licensed educators with a minimum of a master’s degree in school counseling, making them uniquely qualified to address all students’ academic, career and social/emotional development needs by designing, implementing, evaluating and enhancing a comprehensive school counseling program that promotes and enhances student success.

Counseling Office Staff

student last name
(970) 569-5381
student last name


(970) 569-5382
student last name
(970) 569-5396
student last name
(970) 569-5379


(970) 569 -5380



Registrar/ Secretary

(970) 569-5384
Habla Español

Hope Center Therapist

(970) 597-5397

Hope Center Therapist

(970) 569-5383
Main Office Fax 970-328-2935
Counseling Office Fax 970-569-5385